What is MOS: Word Associate (Office 2019): Exam MO-100

The Microsoft Office Specialist: Word Associate Certification demonstrates competency in the correct application of the principle features of Word by creating and editing documents for a variety of purposes and situations. The exam covers the ability to create and maintain professional-looking reports, multicolumn newsletters, résumés, and business correspondence.

An individual earning this certification has approximately 150 hours of instruction and hands-on experience with the product, has proven competency at an industry associate-level and is ready to enter into the job market. They can demonstrate the correct application of the principal features of Word and can complete tasks independently

Microsoft Office Specialist Program certification exams use a performance-based format testing a candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities using the Microsoft 365 Apps and Office 2019 programs:

  • Microsoft Office Specialist Program exam task instructions generally do not include the command name. For example, function names are avoided, and are replaced with descriptors. This means candidates must understand the purpose and common usage of the program functionality in order to successfully complete the tasks in each of the projects.
  • The Microsoft Office Specialist Program exam format incorporates multiple projects as in the previous version, while using enhanced tools, functions, and features from the latest programs.